Sunday, October 14, 2007

Into The Wild

This film delivers something quite special, which tests one's heart, life and nature. Writer/Director Sean Penn does a really good job in letting his audience understand and appreciate the life of McCandless(or Supertramp) and lets Emile Hirsch execute the role with loads of passion and potential. The film centers this young man's trip into the wild, combating nature and society both at once. He ends up losing to nature but opening up our society to a different way of being. This film packs an outstanding group of supporting actors, highlighted by very powerful performances by Hal Holbrook and Catherine Keener. This is the first film of the year that i felt was oscar-worthy. It isn't perfect however, as Penn unneccesarily takes big risks with the style of the film and the mood is sometimes inconsistent. However, the film is very powerful, thought-provoking and heart-felt, which makes Penn a great success here. Eddie Vedder's powerful sound also grasps the heart of the wild. A very succesful film and the start of the awards season. The film will challenges one's heart and one's world. This might be the most moving film in years

Grade: A/A-


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