Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Hurt Locker

Blessed by some near-perfect direction by Kathryn Bigelow, The Hurt Locker is a marvel of filmmaking. Its weird, as i was watching this film i found it somewhat average but when the film ended, i felt like i had witnessed art. The story is of a man(played greatly by Jeremy Renner) who is addicted to war and addicted to the power and adrenaline rush of battle. War is his true love, however dangerous and cruel as it could be. Why do we care: because it's real. It's a real statement about this war culture and Bigelow and writer Mark Boal dont fear away from this truth. The film isn't really about bombs and explosions but about truly finding out who one is.

A well-acted film, Bigelow never exaggerates or forces the audience in any way. Renner is a marvel and Anthony Mackie continues to do great work.

This film is tied with Inglorious Basterds for the lead in this year's film war. Bigelow vs. Tarrantino so far

Grade: A/A-


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