Rob's Top ten of 2010
2. "INCENDIES" An international superfilm shouldve gotten even higher praise.
3. "BLUE VALENTINE" Great and modivational filmmaking and ACTING.
4. "LES AMOURS IMAGINAIRES" Dolan's second film is as strong as his first.
5. "127 HOURS" Modivation, inspiration and Boyle and Franco.
6. " INCEPTION" Nolan knows how to make blockbuster films into great films.
7. "THE SOCIAL NETWORK" A perfect film about this generation. No flaws.
8. "ANOTHER YEAR" Mike Leigh is a god of filmmaking. What an original film.
9. "THE FIGHTER" Great work by everyone involved. Solid and strong performances.
10. "TRUE GRIT" When will the Coen's make something below great? Never!